Just One Thing with Sunwoo Jeong

Sunwoo Jeong’s flash “David Lewis Says” contains piercings, blind dates, and cosmic dust, and asks us what a hole really is or could be. Here she shares just one thing about the piece:

“A few years ago, I stumbled upon a 1983 philosophy paper called ‘Holes,’ co-written by David Lewis and Stephanie Lewis. It features two characters, Argle and Bargle, debating the ontological nature of holes. For my protagonist Yumi, their debate is ultimately immaterial. In this sense, the title of the piece, ‘David Lewis says,’ can be taken as yet another kind of hole: it doesn't really ‘matter’.”



In the foreground, a hand holds a "teapet" named Tavi, a palm-sized figurine with big black eyes. In the background, a teapot and a full cup of tea

Photo credit: Matt Goias 

SLMblog, just one thing